It is impressive how society seems to only acknowledges people with titles over experience such as “Degree’s” Associates, PhDs, Masters, Doctorate, etc... In the Link below you can view all about us and this new private institutional development.
Addressing Societies Social Status; Obtaining a complete, direct, and compelling approach to our severely neglected shortfall in the development of our countries labour shortages such as skilled trades and many more. The constraints upon this new development viewed are mostly from the opposition (Universities, Polytechnic Colleges and Government) which seem to have been consistent over the years. Below is our Web Site supporting our many blog articles "Advocating and Promoting" for a New All Canadian College+ (University) Development for "YOU".
In a world of "Competitiveness" I find it truly difficult to believe that our Public Universities & Public Polytechnic College Institutions and Government have the only solutions in town best suited in the interest of every Canadian, Business, or our Economy. Hundreds of millions if not billions of dollars spent over the past 4 decades just in Ontario alone. Their end results, creating enormous amounts of student debt, alongside the many degree toting students that are also unemployed, then there is our Polytechnic Colleges along side our Provincial Government in Ontario still trying to promote our Skilled Trades which has been ongoing for over 27 years to my knowledge and research which are all presented within our article postings in the link above. Therefore, PH. Industrial Incorporated and Phate Vocational Technical College+ (University) development has created an Alternative Institution that would certainly fit into the "(All Hands On Deck Movement)" creating a good start solution for Canadians not just Ontario. Truly, creating and breaking new ground for new inroads into skills, training, and education through our Alternative Opportunities. Example; debt relief for students and career changers, a creative approach that instills the required work ethic, experience, and excitement. The development of a whole New Cohort addressing education and skills training, such as Skilled Trades from start to finish in our "NO HOLDS BARRED" program from 26 to 28 months within our projected campus(s) projecting a Cohort that would sustain up to 6000+ students, workers, and mentors, at full capacity. The Purpose of this new institution is in creating a new "CANADIAN ALTERNATIVE". Our objective is in helping Canadians and Industry through the development of education, skills & training, and to enrich our Canadian ambition in work and life. Where opportunities can be embraced to help solidify one's purpose, creating a positive progressive approach that does "Not Hinder", but embraces a solution forward approach without the burden of debt. I often wonder were the $20 million collected by the Ontario College of Trades went?
Here, I like to reiterate, part of an earlier article I posted stating;
“Sustainability”, It holds "Merit" today especially in these Unprecedented and Challenging times. “Sustainable” is the ability to be maintained at a certain level. A “Sustainable” development is a development that meets the needs of present without compromising the ability of future generations meeting their needs. A “Sustainable” institutional business is one that generates value for everyone involved without being a drain on the resources that helped creating it. Sustainability, Is what every leader hopes to achieve and that the business will turn a profit quickly and stay afloat for the long term. A business development that prioritizes sustainability is one that considers all stakeholders, assesses and addresses the concerns of the environment and social impacts, being transparent throughout and thoroughly honest within its reporting. Note: I would also like to add that the word sustainable seems to be used far to often today?
This uniquely designed non-traditional, educational, skills and training, College+ Business development, is the "Real Deal", and will address 3 key elements Work, Earn, Learn. Together we will definitely be unique, direct, and real in the face of world University Education and Polytechnic Institutions. Creating a profitable supporting business along side our Not-For-Profit Institution. Scaling up, addressing the skills and educational needs will be consistent and direct throughout along side our aggressive progressive institutional programs assisting and succeeding in our ultimate potential goal of "Private University Status". Attracting students and developing a new cohort embracing industry's needs and the needs of all Canadians. Our valued "Business, Educational, Skills Training College/ University Development", will hold value throughout our directly applied Alternative Cohort deviating away from Student Debt obtained by so many hindering their good start in life. Our "Niche" if you will, is in embracing one's personal ambition, through experiencing the excitement throughout this valuable multi-faced environment opening up multiple areas of opportunities and seeing the many possibilities that one may not have otherwise known existed.
Development will be as a (Not-For-Profit) administrative College development, alongside PH. Industrial Incorporated a (For-Profit) company where they both work uniquely together to succeed well into the future bringing greater opportunities to all Canadians and Industry. Today's circumstances if you will (Covid-19) by design has created a phobia between us all today, followed by all the continuous shenanigan's leading up to today, will draw us even closer tomorrow when the true is reveled.
Here at PH. Industrial Incorporated and Phate Vocational Technical College+ (University) development our mindset will be direct, dedicating our resources for the development of the people creating positive Change, Choice, and Opportunities for our students and industry. Collaborating with “Like Minded” people and businesses who believe the importance of well developed skills and education. Becoming most important to the people, businesses, and our economic growth will allow us to be here decades from now. Having created something of lasting value, our ability to attract students, industry, employees, mentors, investors, and stakeholders all in creating our strong economic future. And for those who actively want to do business with a company/institution that thinks beyond.
Note; there is "NO" other institution that exists today in addressing Industry Skills Shortages, Student Education & Debt as we intend to do alongside our Traditional Public Institutions. For those wanting to enter the work force, and for those seeking an alternative such as a Second Career Path this may be the alternative your looking for. Addressing one of our strategic intakes such as our Industry Sponsored Program of Students, or where Drop-Outs might want to Drop-In after realizing that a real change is needed. Combining the two together creating a New Private Industry Based Non-Traditional Vocational Technical College+ (University) with the ability of becoming "Self-Sustainable" and "Self-Sufficient" will be a great attraction to our New Future Cohort.
"Clarity & Transparency" alongside our continued efforts in obtaining our Strong Board of Directors moving forward and also achieving the sequence of events stated here. Registration of this Private Career College through the (MTCU) Private Career College Branch. Incorporating Phate Vocational Technical College Federally as a Not-For-Profit Institution in efforts to grow and embrace all Canadians from other Provinces. Becoming a member of the (NACC) National Association of Career Colleges. Note; We have already been name registered with MTCU Private Career College Branch and have it as a Registered Business as well. Immediately after completing registration of Private Career College we will apply for a (TDA) Training Delivery Agent Certification. This is truly an achievable goal that can be obtained within a reasonable/aggressive time frame. (All Hands On Deck As Doug Ford Would Say)?
PH. Industrial Incorporated a For-Profit-Company - Has already been Incorporated Federally
PH. Industrial Incorporated in part will work directly and uniquely together with Phate Vocational Technical College (University) development as stated in our "Mission Statement" below.
It is truly the Skills, Work Ethics, Experience and the Excitement that is missing between the post-secondary ecosystem and what Manufactures, Construction Associations, and their employers are looking for today which would become a prerequisite within this New College/University Institutional Development for Canadians. Vision, of the (MTCU) Ministry of Training Colleges and Universities was to have the most educated people and highly skilled work force in the world? Our Vision, is one of the same within this developing institution and more, called accountability through Change, Choice, & Opportunities where we deliver. No Debt, No Student Loans, No Tuition, No Holds Barred.
Here at this new College/University development the “Life Long Learning Component” applies our "Practice-Based Training, Education, and Higher Learning" a combined culture of knowledge and skill unlike any other institution that exists today we will become unique. The sequence of continued educational growth also needs to have a “Direct Approach” that creates opportunities as well as experience within this Well-Structured Diversified College+ (University) Development as described here. In doing so we will also create a new generation of entrepreneur minded leaders. Our government(s) since 1964 boosted and spent a lot of money but never really achieved the required people through their immigration program. Today's immigration program seems to have a whole different approach and certainly not in a good way? What will be developed and delivered here for Canadians within this New College+ (University) development will become ground breaking.
Reaching out to all Canadians, Indigenous/Aboriginal Peoples, and Industry is where we will fit in?
Note: I would assume the title of this link speaks clearly and throughout this new institutional development.
Our Federal Government now over the past 6 years diligently positioned pilot immigration programs throughout Canada’s provinces to engage in their aggressive plan to immigrate 1.2 million immigrants in 3 years? So who will be filling these much needed positions, with the enormous invasion and the boosting for skilled trades we should have an abundance of them by now? However, with over the top immigration and over the top International students leave us with a disturbing and questionable end. Therefore, it is not surprising how we “Canadians” are being "Under Minded, Compromised, Controlled and Leashed-Led" by government. The 64 years of Rhetoric never achieved much? However, when immigration and “Votes” are more important than Canadians themselves we have a very large compromising issue at hand. Honesty, Integrity, are in short supply in the Agenda of our Federal Government. My personal values behind this new college/university development has always been the same Canadians First, our Children, and Grandchildren, Friends, Neighbors, and Indigenous People, all Canadians should have the opportunities for a good honest start forward?
Note; Also with such a large scale push for immigration in a short time frame how would government propose to screen so many so fast when we have a problems screening them now? That in itself again has the potential to create a problem and compromises our country? Note: I can almost bet that none of these people been Jabbed meaning the bogus vaccine (Bioweapon) that created and caused great harm to millions around the world?
Below; “Once Again, I like to elaborate upon 6 short articles from an earlier article posting I had posted reflecting our past when it is the only way to correct our "Directional Future”?
Note; Does this sound familiar; (Globe & Mail, June 23/04, 'Ontario provides funding for apprenticeship programs'). The Ontario government is spending Millions again on a group of programs designed to foster the growth of apprenticeship training. The money will go to three existing funds established to expand apprenticeship opportunities? Training, Colleges, and Universities. The government is calling for proposals from community colleges and other training institutions.
Note; I see they still required (All Hands On Deck) and that they are still working on it? Just think for years now we have been Promoting and Advocating for this New College+ (University) Development. I guess they keep tripping over the “Private Competitive Side Of This College+ (University) Development”? To engaged in a "Solution not Illusions" will require we step away form all the Rhetoric and embrace this new innovative College+ (University) development. Only another $21 Million stated here only to be wasted on years of Rhetoric. Otherwise, we would not be entertaining this conversation today? We would be a much more vibrant country today?
Note; (Harvard Business Review, Mar/04, 'Older and Wiser') Demographics is the very air business breaths. The rate of population growth underlies every economic statistic, for Example: until the Industrial Revolution, it was practically the only determinant of economic growth. Even today, population growth (actually, the lack of it) is a major reason that the economies of Western Europe and Japan struggle to expand. An aging population means an aging workforce, in "All" developed economies. Unless companies anticipate the change they will face enormous problems ones that are entirely "foreseeable and preventable". The transformation of workplace demographics may force wrenching changes in government labor regulations and pension policies, but more than that. Workplace environments, management styles, hiring, training, and promotion practices, outsourcing and the use of part-time and contingent workers. The aging workforce will affect nearly every aspect of the people side of running a business.
Note; we the Baby Boomers and Generation “X” are not dead yet, so here is a sustainable solution an opportunity for our next generation addressing a long time neglected problem? Where Tradesman from all sectors and associations can participate in bringing together their under minded intelligence that has been grossly neglected. Also, just where are we getting these immigrants to Canada from, today when many of the developed counties are having the same difficulties? “Simple question for our Pompous Leaders”. I think we have a good idea? Note: I wrote this Pre-Covid and now we see the invasion, but they are still calling it immigration?
Note; (Globe & Mail, Mar.23/05, "War for Talent Requires New Strategies') A report recently released by Deloitte warns that, by 2008, a wealth of skills and experience will begin to disappear from the job market. The first members of the baby boom generation will turn 62, the average retirement age in the large developed economies of North America, Europe and Asia, Deloitte wrote in its report. Its 2008 do you know where your talent is? Rich compensation packages and “hot skills” bonuses will be insufficient for they can be matched by competitors, Mr. Deloitte said. A more thoughtful response is required – one that lures critical talent but, more importantly, engages them in ways that promote the flexibility and productivity you need to compete. Few organizations are developing the next generation to take over from aging boomers. But when the crunch comes, these companies will find they cannot just poach the talent they need from the competition. “By develop, we mean providing the “real-life learning” employees needed to master a job. By deploy, we mean working with key individuals to identify their deep-rooted skills, interests and knowledge to find their best fit in the organization. Craft the job design and conditions that help them to perform, it said. “By connect, we mean providing critical employees with the tools and guidance they need to… build networks that enhance individual and organizational performance and…improve the quality of their interactions with others. Deloitte said, adding, Managers may be amazed by how often the talent they need resides right under their noses. But, inviting talented people to explore their options is not as risky or costly as paying them when they are disengaged, or losing them altogether to the competition. Stephen Deloitte, a Toronto-based partner at Deloitte Consulting LLP.
Note; Once again what is being proposed here is nothing short of a "New Strategic Alternative Approach" to "Combat the War" created by our "Swellheaded Leaders" in their deliberate neglect not to find or act upon Solutions to train just their Rhetoric Illusions. “ALL HANDS ON DECK THEY SAY” Really? Reflecting a Nation in a Nation, did anyone tell Doug Ford that we are already one Nation Strong And Free?
Note; (Globe & Mail, Oct 13/05, 'Ontario Plans New Diploma'). The Ontario Government will unveil an alternative secondary-school diploma in the coming weeks as it attempts to lower 30-per cent of the dropout rate, among Canada’s highest. Calling the dropout rate completely unacceptable, Premier Dalton McGuinty said after yesterday’s Throne Speech that the new diploma will recognize teenagers training for a skilled trade, while hopefully providing an incentive to others to stay in school (BS). We are going to restore the value that we attach to skilled trades (BS). Our responsibility as a government is to harness those skills and to ensure that those young people who do not go beyond high school are employable (BS). The alternative diploma is part of the government’s strategy to keep students in school until age 18, instead of 16. The diploma will set a different standard – not a lower one (BS). Note; Well now here we are again 2024 did it work or just more “BS Rhetoric”?
Note; Here is a Link stating where our Drop-Out Rate has increased dramatically?
So Now what? More multi-million dollar (BS) programs that go into know where portfolios. Premier Dalton McGuinty one of our great outstanding "SWELLHEAD" has done his part in compromising this province of Ontario along side others compromising our country?
Note; (Advanced Manufacturing Magazine, Mar-Apr/05, 'Canada must train for the global manufacturing race') We need to get in better shape for the new economic order where Globalization and continuing advances in new technology are the driving forces. Together, they will exert unrelenting pressure on our manufacturing industries, and only the most adaptive, innovative enterprises will survive. The manufactures set out bold goals for Canada to build a more dynamic manufacturing industry over the next 15 years. Indeed, manufacturers won’t stand a chance if they can’t squeeze out all the productivity potential that exists in lean production systems. But more will be needed – in particular the ability to identify ‘niches for specialization in global production systems and the ability to develop new high-value products and supporting services and to bring them to market quickly. In Canada this will also mean focusing on the needs of midsize manufactures, those with 100-500 employees, since they account for such a large share of Canadian manufacturing. Yet companies of this size have shown that they can succeed through specialized and high-value “niches”. A Canadian strategy will also need to focus on at least two areas of weakness; Canada’s lower rate of manufacturing productivity and the relatively low level of research intensity in Canadian manufacturing. While addressing these issues it depends a large part on management. Canadian government can obviously help to boost productivity and improve competitiveness, thorough government tax policies can help lower the cost of investing in new technology – for example through more rapid rates of depreciation, an investment tax credit, and elimination of the capital tax. It’s not just that China is low-cost assembler of manufactured products, setting a so called “China price” that manufactures in Canada must meet, China is moving up the value ladder, seeking to close the quality gap and develop higher-value products, including parts and components. This can be seen in China’s aggressive investment in science and engineering education and in research and development. Unless we can sustain and expand a viable wealth-creating manufacturing base, we will not be able to afford the kind of Canada most of us dream of for ourselves and future generations.
Note; here we are 19 years later and now what? More taxes, No Solutions, more Rhetoric and Illusions, thank God for our Corrupt Governments?
Note; An article written by the University of Ottawa economics professor Gilles Paquet in the latest edition of Policy Options magazine! Canada, he wrote in the magazine, is plagued by social rigidities that prevent it from adapting smoothly and quickly to meet the new (economic) challenges. Such as an aging economy is marred by decline in risk-taking, clinging to old techniques when new and more economical ones are available, resistance to rationalization (and) a propensity to feather bedding. Business groups, chief executives, economists and, most importantly, David Dodge, the Bank of Canada governor, have sounded warnings regarding Canada’s laggard productivity growth. Statistics Canada reported the country posted its worst performance in almost a decade. Productivity is a key economic measure that determines the amount of output produced per unit of input. Productivity growth leads to lower prices for manufactured goods, which in turn translates into increased purchasing power for workers. Mr. Paquet attributed the failure to deal with productivity two key factors. First, a strong “anti-economic-growth” sentiment in Canada fueled by moralists, environmentalists and other crusaders who have denounced the so-called cult of efficiency. And second, a failure on the part of elected officials to underline the importance to Canadians of productivity growth. “Leaders must be educators, persons called upon to reframe the citizens views of the public realm”, the economists wrote. Most officials in Canada have been passively recording the results of opinion polls, has not shouldered their responsibility as “preceptors” altering citizens to the importance of productivity gains and innovation. However, international competition – particularly from the emerging economies of China, India and Brazil – will force Canada to focus its attention to productivity. Productivity growth will not be generated by “Edicts” of governments, the article states. They will emerge mainly from the threat of foreign suppliers and will be the result of a change in the nature of industrial organizations. Canadians will have to “Wake Up” to this realty.
Note; What is being proposed here in this article is “Change” and an “Alternative Institutional Solution", required to implement change by putting Canadians "First", “Industry First” instead of our incompetent compromising Government of impossibilities?
"Leaders must be Educators" Do We Lead Canada, or Be Leashed-Led?
Being "Blatantly Clear" upon another investment of $100 Million would become more gross government spending which we have all witnessed in the past 3 decades. Creating an attractive (ROI) Return On Investment is truly an incentive? The concerns stated in this article are applied Nationally in regards to our dyer need and lack of skills and education development that have created shortages through to 2028 and beyond. This will allow our College+ (University) development to obtain full capacity rapidly along with our intended status in becoming a "New Private Non-Traditional Industry Based Vocational Technical College+ "University" Development" addressing All Canadians One Country Strong And Free.