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Listen-Up, As The Town Crier From The Past Would Say. “Hear ye, Hear ye, Hear ye”

Writer's picture: neweconomics2003neweconomics2003

Updated: Nov 21, 2024

Example: We need to inform “YOU” the people of our Great Nation the latest news and proclamations, bylaws and any other important information such as listed below. However, as at this time in history most folks were illiterate and could not read? Completely different today where very few people are illiterate. Then the Town Crier would attach the list to the door post of the local inn. However, today it would be Main Stream Media, or the many other sites where we all seek the Real Truth.

(Government) We Have Your Back? Rhetoric. (Government) All Hands On Deck? Rhetoric.

1. Feb. 12/96: Industry Canada Needs a Strong Infrastructure: Manufacturing success relies on cost-effective and efficient services that adapt to meet changing needs. 2. Feb.12/96: Making The Grade - Canada is currently facing a skilled labour shortage that poses a significant threat to manufactures. 3. June 16/97: Technology Drives a Complex Environment - Global flow of information companies to adapt innovative processes at an increasingly rapid pace. 4. June 16/97: Information Flow - Communications and information technologies both hardware and software are another set of technologies revolutionizing manufacturing systems and organizations. 5. Oct. 6/97: Forging new and fruitful links with education - Market forces are changing the relationships between industry and institutions. 6. Oct. 6/97: Building Blocks - Building effective mechanisms for transferring knowledge between university and industry is consequently just as important, if not more so, in strengthening industry/university relationships as is identifying relevant topics for university research.

7. Nov. 10/97: Universities Critical for expert business knowledge - Manufactures rely on educational Institutions for new technologies and skilled people. 8. Nov. 10/97: Creativity, problem solving, and a flexibility demand on an entrepreneurial approach to work. 9. Aug. 16/99: How universities can advance manufacturing. - The role that universities play as a repository and channel for existing information, and in educating and training students. 10. Private Universities would be a Credit -? Aug. 23/99: For the most part available university funds are being spent on unnecessary programs and irrelevant research grants. 11. AD&P February 2005; are you experienced? 12. AD&P February 2005; Four years into a bachelor's program, possibly another couple in graduate or professional school, and suddenly you’re on the fast track to a fulfilling and profitable career. This is the general thinking, but most university BA and B.Sc. graduates often find themselves saddled with thousands of dollars in cumbersome student debt. 13. At the Federal Level, Direct Government support for apprenticeships amounted to about $185 billion in the 2011-12 fiscal year”. "WOW" $185 BILLION AND THEY STILL CAN'T GET IT RIGHT? Certainly would like to see the accountability of who got what and where all this money went? Canada! this was just 11 years ago?

Example; The Town Crier would then end with the words, ‘God save the King’ or ‘God save the Queen’. "Today It Would End With “God Save The People".

Example; The Town Crier has the ability to enforce local tyranny given to them as part of their original role. It was also the role of the Town Crier at Public Hangings to read out why the person was being hanged, and then to help cut him or her down. This would be an interesting event today, considering that the Rule of Law is what protects us from our Government(s) (Supposedly) with clear knowledge of the high levels of Corruption, Deceit, Lies, and Tyranny Actions Against the People. Town Criers were protected by law? Anything they did was done in the name of the (Government), therefore to harm a Town Crier was an act of treason? Interesting? This was a necessary safeguard as the Town Criers often had to announce unwelcome news such as “Tax Increases”! Does this sound familiar? Today, a Town Crier is a person who is employed by a Town Council to make public announcements. My Thoughts Of Interest, And The Medieval Times Seems To Run In Parallel? So Much For Fairy Tails?


"Why not Encourage Self Driven Ambitious Opportunities for our Kids that can be found within a New Alternative College/University Development approach. Alternatives are conveniently developed for an Alternative Approach from the Norm of Things that are difficult for many Ambitious Young Canadians to Achieve, Develop, and Create for our next generation".


“We will not need to Guess the Future, We Are The Future. Together where the Hallways

and Aisle Ways are filled with both "Blue-Collar & White-Collar Workers" offering “Life Long

Learners an Edge to Engage". From Academia to Practice-Based-Training and everything in

between where the worlds come together creating the future of work for today and


Work, Earn, Learn

Mind, Body, & Soul

Health, Fitness, Nutrition

Focus, Fairness, & Financial

Skills, Training, & Experience

Change, Choice, & Opportunities

Education, Degrees, Higher Learning

Single, Dual Trades, & Entrepreneurship

Get In, Get Out, & Get On with Your Life

Democracy, Constitution, Rights & Freedoms

What seems to be “Resoundingly Impossible” are the many Educators, Policy Makers,

Investors and even the General Public when being challenged to what’s beneficial to

Canadians by “Adopting a New Paradigm Shift”. Addressing Education, Skills Training,

Apprenticeships, Entrepreneurship, Career Alternatives and so much more. Our traditional

institutions are “Definitely” not “Ethics Founded” from our Past, cultivated to address our

Present Day Challenges. An Alternative to our Future Needs such as this New College/University/Development can and will deliver. That being said truly separates our “Foundation of Strengths” from the insanity of today and the “Fictional Rhetoric Displayed”.


According to the Ontario Chamber of Commerce Membership’s survey, completed from

January to February in 2013, 30% of businesses expressed difficulty in finding workers with

the right qualifications. Thus, in light of a growing shortage of skilled trade workers, it is

unwise to cling to any illusion that the labour market will eventually adjust itself. Their has

never been an attempt to open a creative discussion on the current system while providing

solutions to address Ontario’s impending skills crisis. Note; “Only One Sided Discussions

With "NO" Outside Alternative Solutions?

Note; In the Link below "Grandparent’s Guide to Paying for College: Creative Financial Strategies for Your Grand-Kids’ Education"? "This is not the Grandparents Responsibility (What A Cheap Shot)"? If you sat down with Grand Parents, only to find that their up-bringing was from a whole different time and thought. I would almost guarantee they would encourage their Grand Kids to be Self Driven & Self Supporting (It Builds Character) and if the opportunities being presented here were available for them when they were young they would have jumped at the opportunity? If anything, they would encourage an Institution of this nature because they would see first hand the potential behind it. Which may lead to Grandparents saying, perhaps I can help you with a down payment on a house when your finished? "Work & Earn What You Learn"

Note; Here in this link below we have the continuous common theme relating to the cost of education. "REALLY" Again this reflects the link above, and the greed of the institutions today. I guess they have all ran out of that Critical Thought they brag about, if they ever new what it actually meant?

Note; Here we have another Senior Vice-President and Chief Human Resources Officer of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce. Contacting Local MPs, where you could approach along with your local Chamber of Commerce to "Advocate" for this New Institutional Development, or Candace Laing at

Note; In this next link it is overwhelming the money floating around and leaving this country since 2015? Here again "Canada's research universities want $200M from the feds for work in fields considered sensitive—and that's a lot of stuff". "REALLY" This new College Development offers a lot of stuff and is Highly Sensitive to our countries economic growth, that is most likely just as sensitive reflecting the needs and the concerns of the Canadian people. A One Time $200 million from Government, and Partnerships with Industry would boost this Innovative Start-Up College/University creating a good start for Canadians. Becoming an "Alternative Competitor" in delivering an Alternative Approach from the Norm of Things that are difficult for many Ambitious Young Canadians to Achieve, Develop, and Create for our next generation" would certainly help. Solutions Not Illusions.

Note; Here in this next link is one of great interest, thinking, is to much of a good thing not

good for you. My Thoughts? As stated above clearly this new institution values your

Health, Fitness, and Nutrition. Where, Busy is Key, Knowledge Is Everything?

Note; This next link below is a Great piece on the truth of Mike Harris and the Common Sense Revolution. This gentleman who at the time valued the opportunities and development of Private Universities such as the one stated in this article. A Stimulus Politician seeing what was required for Canadians, All Provinces, Industry, Infrastructure and our Economy. "WHERE ALL HANDS ON DECK WOULD ACTUALLY MEAN SOMETHING"

Note: Thoughts come from many in this link below having many concerns about our future?

Note: This next link seeks Innovation and Entrepreneurship a forward approach imbedded within an alternative of opportunities that apply to our kids, starting today for the greater good of our tomorrows?

Note; This new institutional development supports the truth of what can be achieved within the development of this Private Industry Based Non-Traditional Vocational Technical College. Clearly, as I have stated above in this article. "Alternatives are conveniently developed for an Alternative Approach from the Norm of Things that are difficult for many Ambitious Young Canadians to Achieve, Develop, and Create for our next generation".

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