Hello everyone, once again another year is almost behind us. And as always, "I Share Because I Care". So lets start with what drives, supports, and develops ones ambition to become an entrepreneur or achieve a goal that is of interest to them? It truly is the development of an idea supported by personal research, education, or the skills and training to embrace the ambition required, along side a complete understanding of the real world. What supports industry, manufacturing, and construction, they too reflect upon ones education, or skills and training that they require. Funding for Start-Ups as an example has various levels that represent and support the various Start-Ups. All businesses at one time or another have achieved some sort of financial injection. Loans, Seed Capital, Venture Capital, Debt to Equity Financing, Partnerships, or perhaps having the underwriters assist in creating an IPO. Our countries economic development requires all of these things stated. Entrepreneurial ambition is the excitement of independence and becomig Self-Made all requiring the opportunities that stimulates the ambition and knowledge that creates the jobs and grows our economy.
Alternatively, we intend to Suit Up along side our Traditional Institutions creating more opportunities for the People and those with an Entrepreneurial Driven Ambition. But also so that industry can tap into our development for skills, training, and the various levels of education for the people throughout our unique Real World Campuses. Creating a real world class training facilities that creates the people, for the Jobs, that Industry requires, supporting their businesses and the development of new ones that grows our economy.
What is meant by Sustainable Development, a word used quite extensively today and in my opinion abused? It is the development that meets the needs of the present, without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. This is not a “Skill Testing Question”, in the list below expressed clearly of what would transpire within this New Private Industry Based Vocational Technical College Development. Clearly we have achieved the needs of present, and without question the ability to build our future including meeting their own needs directly.
No Debt – Creates a good start forward for everyone.
No Tuition – Not required, builds upon ones personal ambition.
No Student Loans – Debt not required, continues to create the curiosity within our Alternative.
Residence, Food – A key asset for anyone to maintain focus upon their ambition.
Career Alternatives – Traditional Institutions fall short delivering many other exciting Careers.
Entrepreneurship – Engineering – A practical knowledge based foundation that is and will be a requirement.
Degrees - R&D - Higher Learning – Practice based knowledge curriculum, R&D is our Institutional Competitive Culture for the various levels of education, skills, and training.
(TDA) Training Delivery Agent – Real Work Ethics, Skills & Training, through to Completion.
Apprenticeship to Journeyman In 26 to 28 Months – In cadence with our ability to become a (TDA) - Training Development Agent. Health - Fitness - Nutrition - All – Encompassing – “AWE” the prerequisites, of our cohort where all of these four are in sink with each individual. Developing a busy, strong, knowledgeable, educational, institution that will stimulate our nations growth.
North America is home of two great countries USA and Canada, and clearly we have always been contemplating implementing locations across our two great nations. In 1960 our institutions that we have all come to know at that time were developed for all the right reasons? However, things certainly have changed colleges and universities are overflowing with International Student filling their pockets as reflected within a number of our blog articles.
I truly like the term, "Competition Makes The People Grow Stronger". So here we have a start to finish Journeyman Tradesman Innovative Program to be delivered in 26 to 28 months equivalent to a 4 or 5 year 8000 to 9000 hours traditionally required apprenticeships. Now lets add 26 months = 2 years 2 months, for a 4 year apprenticeship program. And the 28 months = 2 years 4 months for a 5 year apprenticeship program. Now lets add an Engineering Degree which has a 4 year program, a Bachelor’s Degree has a 3 to 4 year completion if studying full time, and a Masters Degree takes 2 years. I see a very creative innovative approach to deliver a Mix & Match of various educational, skills and training completion programs. An economic powerhouse for a nation that can develop and create the education, skills and knowledge that are the foundations of entrepreneurship development, jobs and career requirements that industry needs. Meaningful combinations for Real Critical Thinkers a true foundation that our nations growth depend upon.
So again lets walk through the valley of opportunity, "No Debt", "No Tuition", "No Student Loans", and "No Holds Barred", through "Innovative Combinations of Success and Ambition". You will be "Paid" the very moment your start your program of choice and even throughout your scheduled time off called an incentive. Perhaps our two countries can benefit from what stimulates growth, opportunities, prosperity, and a good start forward for the citizens of our Nations. Considering we share the longest boarder in the world and have maintained a strong trading partnership. We have the intelligence waiting to happen all we need is it to start. Are We Ready Yet?
Enrollment, standard evaluations on educational back grounds addressing our Drop-Outs perhaps, to determine life skills obtained and the prerequisites required that surround that individuals entry? Also along side their enthusiasm for opportunities and their ambition to further their skill or educational goals throughout our "Combined Factor of Delivery". All graduating students wanting to enter this institution for various educational or skills development will review and comply to the prerequisites outlined upon acceptance (You Will Be Busy). This Alternative Institutional Development may not be inspiring to some because you will "Earn" everything you "Learn". Industry incentives, an employer can Sponsor a Student(s) within their community (Promoting Skills & Education), or for their own future employee with a time commitment to stay with that company upon completion or become a Free Agent? Or an existing employee that a company may have a great interest in for further development and where that company may create a term agreement perhaps with that individual to stay with that company for a duration of time. Many variables for both the students and industry.
This past November 7th 2023 I had entertained the Advanced Design & Manufacturing Expo in Toronto. It was quite interesting seeing the various Manufacturing Designs. As I strolled throughout all of the exhibitors on the floor stopping and talking and each time I asked the same question is one of your main concerns related in finding good skilled and knowledgeable people. Answer was Yes.
It truly had taken some time and frustration over the years trying to understand "What In The Hell Am I Missing". However, the sequence of events through, personal research, government and political actions, economic hardship, and our traditional institutions, through to today and over the past few years and decades. It has become clear along with today's global events that we now have now "Honed" in upon my answer. Being the largest global scale compromise ever that is now starting to unravel almost daily, globally designed to hinder not help. From our positive evaluations and an extensive referral base, through to our enormous personal research on our institutions ignorance and arrogance within a system build for them not for the people. In this world and our societies that we all share with each other do we not see a problem if not you are in for a reality check. "These are my thoughts and I cannot speak for everyone"? But that is okay because like all things infected start to Fester and eventually goes Septic and Reveals Itself. At which time a cure is administered by the eradication of the infected part or parts of the body or in this pretext applies to government, institutions and our politically compromised economy. Over the past 60 years they have boasted and bragged about immigration, skills and training, and how they are addressing the shortfall on skills and training year in and year out. They also said they will get them from abroad 60 years ago, but never expected to have all 60 years descend upon us all at once? It does become clearer each day understanding the magnitude of such an attempt across all nations which have been simmering for a number of years to be implemented upon us all. Now however, they seem to be in their own game of 52 card pickup that exposes the creation of the most largest global scale corruption ever. My father always said patience and perseverance will prevail. Are We Their Yet Canada. Perhaps next year we will bring forward what truly can benefit Canadians. God Willing.